O’Dowd Sign-Up Socials are a fun way to get to know fellow O’Dowd community members, have a great time and support the students of O’Dowd.
What Is a Sign-Up Social?
Different members of the community host Sign-Up Socials that take place in the months following the Crab Feed and Auction. They are “sign up” events that parents, or a group of parents, agree to host for as many people as they find appropriate for the specific activity/event.
During the Crab Feed and Auction guests will have an opportunity to purchase tickets to these events.
Check back here on March 9 for a list of the Sign Up Socials that will be available at the Crab Feed and Auction this year.
Want to Host a Sign-Up Social?
Do you throw a great party? Do you have a special interest that others in the community would be interested in sharing? Want to help build community at O’Dowd.
Click the following link to complete a form and someone from the Sign-Up Socials committee will be in touch!
What Is a Sign-Up Social?
Different members of the community host Sign-Up Socials that take place in the months following the Crab Feed and Auction. They are “sign up” events that parents, or a group of parents, agree to host for as many people as they find appropriate for the specific activity/event.
During the Crab Feed and Auction guests will have an opportunity to purchase tickets to these events.
Check back here on March 9 for a list of the Sign Up Socials that will be available at the Crab Feed and Auction this year.
Want to Host a Sign-Up Social?
Do you throw a great party? Do you have a special interest that others in the community would be interested in sharing? Want to help build community at O’Dowd.
Click the following link to complete a form and someone from the Sign-Up Socials committee will be in touch!
Attendees can be adults, kids or a combination of the two. The hosts cover all expenses of the party, and 100% of the funds raised by the event benefit our school. Per person ticket prices vary depending on the event. Parties don’t need to be elaborate, but they can be! They can be as simple as a themed party or as elaborate as a Progressive Dinner hosted by multiple families. It’s up to you. Our Social Sign-Up team volunteers are available to discuss ideas if you need them.
Have questions about hosting a Sign-Up Social?... Please reach out to our Committee Captain, Mar Brandt at Attendees can be adults, kids or a combination of the two. The hosts cover all expenses of the party, and 100% of the funds raised by the event benefit our school. Per person ticket prices vary depending on the event. Parties don’t need to be elaborate, but they can be! They can be as simple as a themed party or as elaborate as a Progressive Dinner hosted by multiple families. It’s up to you. Our Social Sign-Up team volunteers are available to discuss ideas if you need them.
Have questions about hosting a Sign-Up Social?... Please reach out to our Party Logistics Co-Chair, Justine Chan at [email protected]
Have questions about hosting a Sign-Up Social?... Please reach out to our Committee Captain, Mar Brandt at Attendees can be adults, kids or a combination of the two. The hosts cover all expenses of the party, and 100% of the funds raised by the event benefit our school. Per person ticket prices vary depending on the event. Parties don’t need to be elaborate, but they can be! They can be as simple as a themed party or as elaborate as a Progressive Dinner hosted by multiple families. It’s up to you. Our Social Sign-Up team volunteers are available to discuss ideas if you need them.
Have questions about hosting a Sign-Up Social?... Please reach out to our Party Logistics Co-Chair, Justine Chan at [email protected]